European Crucible 2022 generates new Scottish-European multi-disciplinary research

The European Crucible 2022 programme has culminated in seed-funding awards for 8 new multi-disciplinary research projects led by teams of Scottish-European collaborative researchers.
Multi-disciplinary Research Projects
Following from European Crucible 2022, researchers from 7 Scottish Universities and 11 other European countries, will collaboratively undertake pilot research projects over the next year addressing a range of scientific, technological, environmental, cultural and societal challenges, as follows:
European Crucible 2022 – selected research projects and location of research team members:
1.AutoDOSE: AUTOphagy Dynamic Optimisation, Statistical Learning and Experimental Design – Scotland, France, Greece and Norway
2. In-Cell-Net – Scotland, France and Luxembourg.
3. MIRROR: MagnetIc Reef RestORation – Scotland, Germany, Greece, Ireland and Italy
4. Biodegradable Wearable Wireless Piezoelectric Nanosensors for Personalised Motor-neuro rehabilitation – Scotland, France and Netherlands
5. MAVKA: Co-creative gamified storytelling for trauma – Scotland and Ukraine
6. rECOver: Policy Making and Green Technology – Advancing Engagement Collider Event – Scotland, France and Turkey
7. Science and Human Histories – Scotland, Netherlands and Spain
8. A digital twin for hydrogen storage – Scotland, France and Luxembourg
Scotland-Europe collaborations
European Crucible 2022 has been supported by the Scottish Government via the SFC Saltire initiative. It was organised jointly by SUPA SUPA | Physics Scotland | Scottish Universities Physics Alliance and the Research Futures Academy at Heriot-Watt University on behalf of all Scottish Research Pools. It was delivered in partnership with the University of Luxembourg (via Prof Stéphane Bordas) and CentraleSupélec, France (via Prof Marc Sciamanna): Partners 2022 – Scottish Crucible
Multiple keynote guests contributed to the European Crucible 2022 programme, including the Prof Sir John Ball, President of the Royal Society of Edinburgh; Dr Debora Revoltella, Chief Economist, European Investment Bank HQ, Luxembourg; and Prof Cédric Villani, Fields Medal, University of Lyon (formerly Member of the French National Assembly).
European Crucible researcher cohorts
The second annual European Crucible programme aimed to bring together outstanding researchers from different disciplines, institutions and countries to stimulate new interdisciplinary research collaborations between Scottish and European researchers. The cohort comprised 25 researchers from Scotland and 26 researchers from 13 other European countries: European Crucible 2022: European Cohort – Scottish Crucible
Commenting on their experiences of European Crucible 2022, participants said:
“I am thrilled that I had a chance to participate in this year’s European Crucible programme. Excellent initiative, and I can’t wait to start working with my fellow Cruciblists.” Dr Antonija Grubišić-Čabo, Associate Professor of Advanced Materials, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
“Thank you to everyone who made this year’s online Crucible possible. It was a great experience; I met some brilliant people and I have even started a few new collaborations.” Dr Karen Donaldson, Project Manager, The National Robotarium, Heriot-Watt University, Scotland
“This whole European Crucible was simply amazing. First time ever in such a rich environment with amazing, cross-disciplinary fellow Cruciblist researchers. Kudos to the organisation and facilitators.” Dr Rubén Salvador, Associate Professor of Computer Engineering, CentraleSupélec de Rennes, France.
For further details, contact:
Research Futures Academy
Heriot-Watt University