Senior Lecturer in Anatomy, School of Medicine, Medical Sciences and Nutrition, University of Aberdeen
Tel: 01224 437473| f.groening@abdn.ac.uk | @Flora_Groening

I participated in the Scottish Crucible programme shortly after I had started my first permanent position, a lectureship at the University of Aberdeen. It was therefore at a time when I was still at an early stage of my development as an independent researcher. Taking part in the programme was a truly enriching experience that has helped to me to achieve several career successes in the past years. The following ones are probably the most noteworthy:
- Promotion to Senior Lecturer in 2016. Scottish Crucible gave me the necessary confidence boost to submit a promotion application even though I had not been in my post for long at that time.
- Secured funding as lead applicant for a collaborative project with another 2015 Crucibilist, Robin Sloan at the Abertay University (£38k from the Roland Sutton Academic Radiology Trust). In this project we developed novel interactive 3D learning tools for Anatomy teaching with a research assistant based at the University of Aberdeen and a student team at Abertay University. The project received some media coverage including articles in the Scotsman and The Evening Press. The 3D models we developed will soon be used by a partner in industry, a leading supplier of 3D Anatomy learning software.
- Other grant successes as lead-PI including a grant from the Roland Sutton Academic Radiology Trust and an Impact Knowledge Exchange and Commercialisation Award (£60k in total) with 2017 Crucibilist Matthieu Poyade (Glasgow School of Art), a grant from TENOVUS Scotland (£8k), several summer studentships (£10k) and an ORUK grant as CO-I (£75k).