Professor of Organisational Behaviour; Staffordshire University, UK
Professor II Change Leadership, University of Stavanger, Norway
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Change Management (Routledge)
Co-founder & Emeritus Chairman, Public Leadership Foundation, The Netherlands
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rune_By Tel: +44 (0)1782294161 r.t.by@staffs.ac.uk

Simply put, I would not be where I am today without the Scottish Crucible.
I was very fortunate to be accepted for the inaugural SC back in 2009 when I was working at Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, and I truly believe it changed my life. Why? Because of the excellent focus on how we as individuals and groups can all make a difference. In fact, this has become my life mantra: it’s all about being MAD – Making A Difference! Not as a choice – but as an individual and organisational responsibility which none of us should abdicate from.
This mantra informs all I do. It informs how I raise my son; how I design and deliver undergraduate and postgraduate courses; how I position MBA and Executive MBA delivery and developmental sessions for industry; what research I undertake and how articles are positioned; and how I live my life. This focus – enhanced by my SC experience – has informed my professional development. With a focus on organisational change and leadership, I am serving as editor-in-chief of Routledge’s Journal of Change Management; I have co-edited and co-authored leading books on change, leadership and ethics; co-founded the Public Leadership Foundation with its focus on developing emerging leaders who all want to contribute to solutions to challenges found in the public sphere; and I have become an authority in the field. Being an authority is of course of no importance in its own right. It’s only important if we can be MAD.
Last but not least: in 2009 I met a fantastic group of people. Both those arranging and delivering the Scottish Crucible, and the other participants who are all MAD. Together, we can provide even more MADness.
To me, the Scottish Crucible was fun. It was an honour. It was life-changing!