Dr Alejandra Aranceta-Garza

Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering, University of Dundee

Ale is a Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering at the School of Science and Engineering at University of Dundee, UK. She received her PhD from the University of Strathclyde (2015) which focused on the exploration of the use of high-density electromyographic sensors as a method for predicting thumb rotation on upper limb prosthetics. Her PhD was followed by a five-year PostDoc at the same institution which focused on the development of a mainstream, user-led wrist hand orthosis, an assistive medical technology and in the understanding of motor control and muscle movement during neurophysiological diseases.

Ale’s interdisciplinary and international research is focused on the use of specialised tools to understand muscle movement and motor control as well as in the development of assistive medical technology. The specialised techniques allow for a better understanding of how our body moves during health, disease, or injuries. This insight is then translated into the development of medical technologies (for developing and developed countries) to be used as clinical tools or as assistive medical devices focused on rehabilitation and/or improving quality of life.